about me

Hello there, I'm Loic. I am an MPhil student at Cardiff University and a recent computer science graduate. While computer science is an active hobby of mine, my personal interests also include music, sport, and history.

I have experience working with different mediums, from web applications to software development. My primary interest is in machine learning, where I aspire to become a researcher. I aim to make impactful contributions that benefit the world and improve people's lives.


Currently, I am self-studying maths and machine learning. I am pursuing an MPhil and aim to start a PhD in the future.

technical skills

While I am continuously learning new technologies, the following list includes some of the key technologies I have worked with.

  • Languages:
  • Python
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Frameworks and Libraries:
  • PyTorch
  • Django
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind


    2024Best Final Year Project, BSc Computer Science and Variants

    Awarded by ~ Cardiff University

    2024First Prize, Student Poster Competition on “AI, Smart Healthcare, and IoT”

    Awarded by ~ Global Wales, Cardiff University, and Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh University of Technology